
150 150 Receivables Insurance Canada

Episode 29: From the Trenches

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Episode 29: From the Trenches

How a decision to limit exposure on a well-known, 100 year old distribution and logistics company protected Coface clients from its 2023 bankruptcy.

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150 150 Receivables Insurance Canada

Episode 24: Getting a Measure on the Economy

2021 – Year Two: Canada in a COVID WorldIn 2021 we have seen rising inflation, global supply chain bottlenecks and disruptions, as well as ballooning public debt. Though the world is getting back to work, COVID continues to morph into new variants offering more uncertainty. On this episode of the TradeSecurely podcast, three economists discuss…

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Tradesecurely Podcast (13)

Episode 18: The Evolving Economic Impact of COVID-19

March 26, 2020 – Ruben Nizard, Coface economist for the North America region provides an economic overview of the impact COVID-19 is having on Canada and the world. He discusses the current global situation, the triple shock that will impact the Canadian economy, what we can learn from China and what we can expect on…

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Tradesecurely Podcast (12)

Promo 18: The Evolving Economic Impact of COVID-19

Promo 18: The Evolving Economic Impact of COVID-19

March 26, 2020 – Ruben Nizard, Coface economist for the North America region provides an economic overview of the impact of COVID-19 on TradeSecurely.

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Tradesecurely Podcast (25)

Episode 9: Protecting Your Company Receivables from an Economic Slowdown

Season 1
Season 1
Episode 9: Protecting Your Company Receivables from an Economic Slowdown

There have been rumblings from various quarters that we are in for an economic slowdown in the coming months. On this episode of the TradeSecurely podcast Mark Jomaa Chief Sales Officer at Coface talks about how this is likely to impact the credit insurance market and he offers some insights on how to protect your business from this uncertainty.

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