150 150 Receivables Insurance Canada

Episode 34: Avoiding the Pitfalls When Granting Credit

Tips for Credit Managers

Tradesecurely Granting Credit

Granting credit is not an easy decision and can be risky, particularly when you are working with a new customer and operating without a credit department. You need to balance risk management, regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and competitive pressures while ensuring that the process is fair and secure for both your business your customer. And you need to do that in a timely manner. In this TradeSecurely podcast two experts who have been have been credit managers and now work with companies to help them mitigate their credit risk will provide solutions on how to Avoid the Pitfalls When Granting Credit. Michelle Davy is President of CreditAssur and Mark Hall is Vice President of Elevate Global Insurance. Both are members of the Receivables Insurance Association of Canada

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Tradesecurely Granting Credit
Episode 34: Avoiding the Pitfalls When Granting Credit